Or function can use without if function in excel?

Yes, the Or function in Excel can be used without the IF function. The OR function by itself is designed to evaluate multiple conditions and return TRUE if at least one of the conditions is TRUE, and FALSE if all conditions are FALSE.

Here’s an example:

=OR(F5>=900, G5>=700, H5>=60)

In this example, the formula checks if any of the conditions are true:

  • If the value in cell F5 is greater than or equal to 900,
  • If the value in cell G5 is greater than or equal to 700,
  • If the value in cell H5 is greater than or equal to 60.

If at least one of these conditions is true, the OR function will return TRUE; otherwise, it will return FALSE.

You can use the result of the OR function in other parts of your worksheet, in conditional formatting, or in conjunction with the IF function if you want to return different values based on the outcome of the conditions.

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