The Smart Way to Start a Blog in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Hello, My dear Fellow today we will inform you about the Smart Way to Start a Blog in 2024, Many people start blogging but ask many questions, I will decide to share complete guidance for beginners to start this article.

Table of Contents

The Future of Blogging in 2024?

Many friends ask whether there is Future of Blogging in 2024? If we start blogging, will we be able to earn from blogging or will we fail in blogging? Just a simple answer to your questions dear friends: if you start blogging today, you can still make money from blogging. Many people are already making money from blogging.

The Future of Blogging in 2024?

Blogging is not limited to just article writing, but also many ways to make money blogging like online course selling, affiliate marketing, e-commerce websites, and SEO tool selling websites. There are many ways that you can use to earn money from blogging in 2024, even if you have no skills. You can also earn money by selling skills and services.

Will AI end blogging?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has certainly modify various aspects of our lives, including how we create and consume content. However, when it comes to blogging, AI is more likely to complement rather than completely replace human bloggers.

Will AI end blogging?

But Dear bloggers keep in mind Today’s AI will not replace bloggers. while AI can enhance efficiency, bloggers remain essential for creating meaningful, relatable, and authentic content. The human touch, creativity, and passion behind blogging are irreplaceable. So, fear not—AI won’t end blogging; it’ll evolve alongside it!

AI will not interfere in blogging and will instead make your work easier. It is up to you to use it wisely.

Pros and cons Will AI end blogging?

Certainly! Here’s a concise table summarizing the pros and cons of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for content creation:

Time Saving: AI accelerates content generation, freeing up valuable time.Many Hours Required: Learning and configuring AI tools can be time-consuming.
Easy Content Generation: AI simplifies the process of creating articles and videos.Modified AI Content: AI-generated content often needs human refinement.
Monetization Opportunity: Earn money by leveraging AI to produce marketable content.Mindset Shift: Users need to adapt to using AI creatively.
Idea Generation: AI sparks fresh ideas for content creation.Experience Required: Proficiency in using AI tools is essential.
Video Creation: AI can assist in generating videos.Word Choice Challenges: AI may struggle with nuanced language.
Keyword Research: AI streamlines keyword research for SEO.Expertise Needed: Skill in playing games with AI is necessary.

7 Proven Requirements to Make Money Blogging in 2024

Friends, if you want to start blogging in 2024, you need to have these 7 things. If you have these seven things, you can succeed in blogging. If you don’t have any of these things, you haven’t started blogging.

7 Proven Requirements to Make Money Blogging in 2024
  1. Laptop or Mobile
  2. Interested
  3. Patients
  4. Hardworking or Struggle
  5. Time or consistency
  6. Minor Space or Location only 1 Room

2024’s Secret Success Recipe: Are YOU the Right Type to Start Blogging?

  • Students
  • Male and Females
  • No age matter
  • Youth start this blogging
  • Poor People also start This Blogging

How much time does it take to run a blog?

Dear bloggers as beginners guided series , important step how much time required to manage our blog or website as a single person or expert and as team.

How much time does it take to run a blog?
  • As a Single person or beginners

As a single person or beginner, you should expect to spend at least 4-6 hours per week managing your blog, but not necessarily in one continuous block of time.

You can work on different tasks at different times of the day, such as writing articles in the morning and doing keyword research in the evening.

As a beginner blogger multiple tasks to perform and manage at times like keyword research for your blog, niche research, article writing, etc, depend on you how manage time for your blog.

  • As an expert

If you are an expert in the blogging field manage your blog in an easy way because you have expertise and experience for many years.

Dear fellows at least as an expert or as a single person time spend on your website at least daily 3 hours according to my opinion because you have learned complete skills for article writing and keyword research and face this problem and finding our solutions.

  • As a Team

If you have a team of people helping you to manage your blog or website, you can divide up the tasks and workload accordingly. This can save you a lot of time and allow you to focus on the most important aspects of your site.

Earn money with blogging in 7 ways (2024)

Making money from blogging can be achieved in several ways. Here are some methods that have proven to be effective:

  1. Online Courses and Workshops
  2. Books and Ebooks
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Advertising
  5. Speaking Gigs
  6. Consulting/Coaching
  7. Selling Freelance Services

What is blogging in 2024?

Before starting a blog, you should understand what is blogging? Blogging is the act of sharing your education, experiences, thoughts, and thinking with others or audience, typically in this information will be written or articles form. Providing information in this manner is what we refer to as blogging.

What is blogging in 2024-25?

Blogging takes various forms, and one such form involves covering events. For example, if there’s a Pakistan vs India match happening, sharing information about the match falls under event blogging. Similarly, discussing events like the FIFA World Cup is also called events blogging.

Furthermore, there’s a unique type of blogging related to affiliate marketing, such as Amazon products or ther affliate programs. This involves promoting products and earning in return. This type is known as affiliate blogging.

In summary, any platform that involves sharing information, be it in the form of articles, event coverage, or affiliate marketing, can be considered blogging. The key is providing valuable information to your audience.

Fastest way to make money blogging (Latest Method)

Only 4 to 5 ways by make money online with blogging in 2024 just like

How Many ways to earn money for blogging?
  • By ads through google adsense
  • By selling Products and Books
  • Affiliate marketing affiliate with amazon products and Ali express and Click Banks
  • sponsorship or Paid Promotions
  • Guest Postings
  • Work as a team
  • earn money with web stories

WordPress vs. Blogger: Which Blogging Platform is Right for You in 2024?

Dear Blogging Lovers Many users ask question start blogging with wordpress or blogger? This Answer will be explain in short words and given in table must check.

WordPress vs. Blogger: Which Blogging Platform is Right for You in 2024?

All information will be share in my experince i have work both platform then sharing complete information but this platforms to please wait and read this article.

Certainly! Let’s organize the information about WordPress and Blogger into a table for easy comparison:

Required Experience and KnowledgeRequires some familiarity with website management and content creation. – Offers extensive customization options through themes and plugins.No prior experience needed; suitable for beginners. – Basic features and straightforward setup.
Investment Required to StartRequires investment in domain and hosting. – Custom domains available.No investment required or minimal (up to 3k pkr for custom domain). – Can start with a free domain like
Approval Time Typically takes 2 to 3 months for website approval.Requires at least 6 months for approval.
Article PublishingEasy to publish articles.More difficult due to proper structure requirements.
Ease of UseTime-consuming but offers advanced features.Simpler and more basic.
CustomizationThemes and plugins allow extensive customization without coding.Easy to customize themes and set up your website.
Target AudienceBusinesses, professional bloggers, and those seeking a robust platform.Users who want a basic and simple blogging platform.
Overall FeaturesAdvanced features available.Basic features and older platform.

Remember that both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, so choose the one that aligns best with your goals and preferences! 🌟


PricingFree (requires hosting)Free
ThemesFree themes, plus premium optionsBasic free themes
CustomizationExtensive with themes and pluginsLimited customization
E-CommerceWith third-party pluginsNot built-in
Self-HostedYes (requires hosting)No
Learning CurveModerate (more features)Low (quick start)

What is blogger?

Friends, if we talk about bloggers Google has its own platform which was created around 1999. This is a content management system in which articles or content are managed and then published.

We all have our own platform on which we can use it and can create a website completely free.

What is blogger?

Blogger provides customizable templates, making it easy for users to personalize the look and feel of their blogs. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with other Google services, offering convenience for those who use products like Google Analytics, AdSense, and more.

While there are other blogging platforms available, Blogger remains a solid option for individuals who want a user-friendly, free, and trust able platform to start their blogging journey. Whether you’re an experienced blogger or a newcomer, Blogger provides a space where you can easily manage and publish your content without the complexities of building a website from scratch.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a popular and widely-used content management system (CMS) that allows individuals and businesses to create and manage websites and blogs.

What is WordPress?

It was initially launched in 2003 and has since become one of the most dominant platforms on the internet, powering a significant portion of websites globally.

Friends very advanced features present on WordPress that you can use to customize or create your website.

How to Find a Successful and Profitable Blog niche in 2024?

Gone are the days when blogging was just a hobby. In today’s fast-paced world, blogging has emerged as a lucrative career option. However, with millions of blogs already in existence, it is essential to identify a successful and profitable blog niche in 2024 to stand out from the crowd.

How to Find a Successful and Profitable Blog niche in 2024?
How to Find a Successful and Profitable Blog niche in 2024?

But how do you find a niche that is not only successful but also profitable in 2024? Don’t worry, in this section, we will explore strategies and techniques that can help you find a successful and profitable blog niche in 2024. With proper research, analysis, and adaptation to future trends, you can ensure a lucrative blogging journey.

Let’s dive in and discover the secrets to finding a Successful and Profitable Blog Niche in 2024!

Ways to Identify a Successful and Profitable Blog Niche in 2024

In today’s ever-evolving digital world, identifying a successful and profitable blog niche is crucial for any blogger. A successful blog niche can provide you with a loyal audience and an income stream, while a profitable blog niche can generate significant revenue. Here are some ways to identify a successful and profitable blog niche in 2024:

  • Research current market trends

Stay updated with the latest consumer trends and demands. Conduct market research to identify industry gaps, emerging topics, and areas where you can add value with your unique expertise.

  • Analyze your skills and interests

Consider your passions and skills and identify areas where you can leverage your expertise. Your blog niche must be something that you enjoy working on and are knowledgeable about.

  • Consider your target audience

Know your audience and what they want. Conduct surveys, analyze consumer data, and identify their pain points and needs. Tailor your content to cater to their interests and requirements.

  • Explore emerging technologies

Look at emerging technologies and trends and identify areas where you can incorporate them into your blog. For instance, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and voice search are some growing trends that you can leverage to provide unique and engaging content.

As you identify a successful and profitable blog niche, take time to brainstorm and consider various options before finalizing. Remember, your blog niche must be something that you enjoy and that your audience will appreciate. By following these methods and investing effort into your research, you can find a niche that will lead to a prosperous blogging journey in 2024.

Predicting Future Trends for a Profitable Blogging Journey

As a blogger, it’s essential to stay updated with future trends in the blogging industry to ensure a profitable journey. Predicting future trends can help you plan your blogging strategy and stay ahead of the competition. Here are some strategies to help you predict future trends for a profitable blogging journey:

Predicting Future Trends for a Profitable Blogging Journey
Predicting Future Trends for a Profitable Blogging Journey
  • Trend Analysis

One way to predict future trends is to analyze current trends in the blogging industry. Studying the popular topics, keywords, and niches can give you valuable insight into what’s currently working and what could be a future trend. Use tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, and Ahrefs to analyze the trend data in your niche and stay updated.

  • Stay Updated with Industry Developments

The blogging industry is continuously evolving, and it’s essential to stay updated with the latest developments and changes.

Subscribe to relevant blogs, attend conferences, and network with other bloggers to stay updated. Follow industry experts on social media and keep an eye on the latest news in your niche. These can help you stay updated and ahead of the curve.

  • Adapt Your Blog Content

Another way to predict future trends is to adapt your blog content to cater to changing needs and demands.

As the trends change, your audience’s interests and preferences may change too. Keep a close eye on the analytics data and feedback from your audience.

Use this data to adapt your content to cater to their needs and stay relevant.

Write Article through this prompt

1st Prompt

I want you to sort and filter the following list of headings for an article having the title “  Add title â€œ. Don’t copy exact headings and try to sum up them in under 10 headings.

The Headings should form a complete outline that will lead to a complete and detailed article on the title given above.

2nd Prompt:

Now write the introduction section. Keep the introduction to the point and compel the reader to read further article. Don’t write lengthy sentences.

3rd Prompt:

Now write detailed content for section 2 of the outline.

Last Prompt:

Write a conclusion paragraph for the above article.

How to create free website in blogger 2024?

Dear Blogger just few step to create your website easily only use mobile phone

  • Create your gmail account then open your google and write search bar
  • First website open then click to sign or create account button then connect on gmail
  • After Connect your Gmail then write your website name and url or display name
  • Final Step create url for our blog and successfull create your blog

How to Install and upload Blogger theme for mobile phone?

Installing and uploading a Blogger theme for mobile phones involves a few simple steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Installing a Blogger Theme for Mobile:

  • Choose a Mobile-Friendly Theme

Start by selecting a mobile-friendly theme for your Blogger blog. You can find various free and premium themes on websites like ThemeForest or you can search directly in the Blogger theme gallery.

  • Download the Theme

Once you’ve chosen a theme, download the theme file to your computer. Themes are usually downloaded as .xml files.

  • Log in to Your Blogger Account

Go to Blogger and log in with your Google account.

  • Access Theme Settings

From your Blogger dashboard, go to “Theme” in the left sidebar.

  • Backup Your Current Theme (Optional but Recommended)

Before making changes, it’s a good practice to backup your current theme. Click on the “Backup/Restore” button in the top-right corner, and download your current theme.

  • Upload the New Theme

Click on the “Backup/Restore” button again, and this time click “Upload” and choose the .xml file you downloaded earlier.

  • Apply the Theme

After the upload is complete, click on the “Apply to Blog” button to activate the new theme.

Customizing the Mobile Theme:

  • Preview Your Blog on Mobile

Before finalizing the theme, preview your blog on a mobile device to ensure it looks good and functions well.

  • Adjust Theme Settings

Some themes allow you to customize various settings. Go to “Theme” > “Customize” to modify colors, fonts, and other theme-specific options.

  1. Save Changes

Ensure that the theme is responsive, meaning it adapts well to different screen sizes. This is crucial for providing a good user experience on mobile devices.

After making adjustments, be sure to save your changes.

What is the best hosting and domain for WordPress?

website completely depends on Best Hosting and best domain , both are back bone for our website , Now a days discounts for hostinger company hosting for 80% on black Friday deals.

The Smart Way to Start a Blog in 2024


  • Bluehost
  • SiteGround
  • DreamHost
  • HostGator
  • A2 Hosting


  • Namecheap
  • GoDaddy
  • Network Solutions
  • Bluehost

How to Get the Best Deals on Hosting and Domain in 2023?

If you buy this cheap domain and hosting you can buy for hostinger in hosting and domain for godaay both companies services is best you can given link buy cheap hosting or 20% Discounts.

Certainly! Here’s the information organized into a table:

Hosting ProviderHostinger
Sale EventBlack Friday
Discount20% off
Link to PurchaseBuy Now

Take advantage of this offer and get your hosting at a discounted rate! 🌟

Best and TLD Domains and EMD Domain for website?

  • TLD Means

Top Level domain it means best and easy to rank for examples : .com , .pk , .org , .net , .in .online and etc

  • EMD Domains

EMD means exact match domain which is related to content for example create a website to use specific news like technology to find domain technology and news both are added and short domain find and buy because easy to rank and grow in short time and easy to approved sites.

Not Buy this types domain

Some domains not best for bloggers according to my experience like .site , .xyz .website not ranked and very low rate as compared to .online domain best and rank easily also cheap rate only 460 PKR Rate for one year.

How to connect domain with hosting In hostinger?

Dear fellows follow all steps to connect domain with hosting , before create this website important steps to connect domain.

  • First of all but this domain for Godday and Name cheap compnay.
  • Add Your Name server for your domain name go to godday account or name cheap then click to name sever section and paste your cutom name sever for given by hosting then save your setting and wait for 24 hour
  • Go to hostinger account and click to website section bar
  • Then move on migrate to website button
  • Then open new window and click to Skip ,I don’t want to personalized experience
  • Then Click to create a New Website or Migrate My Website
  • Then Select a WordPress
  • Add your seperate login deatils for wordpress website Then click to continue button
  • Add Your Plugins in your website
  • Open in window and select to use an existing domain like this
  • Add Domain url like ( then continue to create website finally

How to create a website with WordPress step by step?

  • Login to wordpress website by proivided link from hostinger add login deatils then click to login button
  • Go to setting Options and select to permalink setting
  • Permalink structure chnage select post name permalink

Go to Appearnce sections and select your theme like generate press or astra then active your theme only 1 and remaining delete themes

  • Go to Categories section and create 5 to 6 Categories according to blog.
  • If you no idea what type of Catagrioes create just command your chat Gpt and Make Answer

“Please Write 5 to 6 Catagaieris for my website “Website Url or Domain name”

  • Create 5 Important Pages for your website like About Us , Contact Us , Terms and Conditions and DMCA or Disclaimer all Pages Generate for different websites.
  • Go to Pages section and Add to new page one by one paste all pages just like.
  • Go to Apperance setting then click to menu then create a new menu and then write menu name then select all categories if you create drop down menu just you can 2nd categories drag drop from parents catharines same as page select and add then save your setting.
  • Go to Customiztion Section and Customized Your Website and Set website Name or header and Footer Setting and Change colours for menu and Body.
  • Install Your Important Plugins all plugin list will be next heading.
  • Finally Create your WordPress Website.

Free WordPress Plugins That Will Save You Time and Money

Dear fellows you must install this plugins because all plugins in very important in my experience and easy journey for all plugins list will be below.

  1. Site Kit by google
  2. Rank Math
  3. Elementor
  4. Elementor Premium addons
  5. Ultimate Blocks
  6. Social share plugin
  7. Jetpack
  8. Royal Addons
  9. Affiliate Booster
  10. Easy Table of Contents
  11. Easy Table of Contents
  12. Instant Indexing
  13. Wp optimizer
  14. WPCode Lite

Required Tools to write article in 2024?

Tools NamePurpose
Chat GptFor Generate article or Titles
Bard AIFor Titles and Outlines Generator
Grammarly Solve Grammatically Errors
Small Seo ToolsCheck Plagiarism for article
Contact at scale or Copy Leak’sDetect Ai content
Google Docs or Ms WordHelp to set contact for Both Tools Use
CanvaCreate Images
Ahrefs , SEMrush or Keyword clouds For SEO Purposes

How to Write Engaging Blog Posts That Get Traffic in 2024?

Are you tired of writing blog posts that no one reads? Do you want to attract more traffic to your website in 2024? Look no further! In this section, we will provide you with the latest strategies and techniques to help you write engaging blog posts that get traffic.

Writing engaging blog posts is crucial to driving traffic to your website and increasing your online visibility. In 2024, it’s more important than ever to craft high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

By following our expert tips and best practices, you can create blog posts that not only capture readers’ attention but also rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your content game and attract more traffic to your website in 2024. Keep reading to discover the secrets to writing engaging blog posts.

Types of Traffic in 2024

  • Social media traffic
  • organic traffic
  • google discover traffic

Creating Compelling Headlines and Introductions

One of the most important parts of writing a blog post is to create a compelling headline. Your headline should grab the reader’s attention and entice them to click and read more. Here are some effective techniques for crafting impactful headlines that will drive traffic to your website:

  • Use Numbers and Stats

Numbers and stats add credibility to your content and make your headline more attention-grabbing. For example, “10 Surprising Facts About [Topic]” or “5 Tips for [Goal] That Actually Work”. Using numbers in your headlines also makes your content more scannable and easier to read.

  • Pose a Question

Pose a question that your readers will want to know the answer to. For example, “How Can You [Solve a Problem] in 5 Easy Steps?” or “What’s the Best [Product or Service] for Your [Specific Need]?” Questions create curiosity and encourage readers to click and find out more.

  • Address Your Reader’s Pain Points

Your readers are looking for solutions to their problems, so address their pain points in your headlines. For example, “The Ultimate Guide to [Solving a Problem]” or “How [Your Product or Service] Can Help You [Address a Specific Pain Point]”. Addressing your reader’s pain points shows that you understand their needs and can provide valuable solutions.

Once you have crafted a compelling headline, the next step is to create a captivating introduction that keeps the reader engaged. Here are some techniques for writing an effective introduction:

  • Start with a story

Beginning your blog post with a story is a great way to grab the reader’s attention and create interest in your content. For example, “I was struggling with [Problem] until I discovered [Solution]. In this blog post, I’ll share my tips for [Solving the Problem].” The story should be relevant to your topic and introduce the main point of your post.

  • Use an interesting fact or statistic

Starting with an interesting fact or statistic can grab the reader’s attention and make your content more shareable. For example, “Did you know that [Fact or Statistic]? In this blog post, we’ll explore [Topic] and show you how to [Solve a Problem or Achieve a Goal].”

  • Address a common misconception

Addressing a common misconception in your introduction can create interest in your content and show that you have a unique perspective on your topic.

For example, “Contrary to popular belief, [Common Misconception]. In this blog post, we’ll show you [How to Address Misconception and Solve a Problem or Achieve a Goal].”

By following these techniques for creating compelling headlines and introductions, you can increase the engagement of your blog posts and drive more traffic to your website.

Optimizing Content for Search Engines

Now that you have captured the reader’s attention with your compelling headline and introduction, it’s important to ensure your content is optimized for search engines. By doing so, you’ll improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and increasing your website’s visibility.

  • Keyword Research

Keyword research is the first step to optimizing your content. You’ll need to identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is actively searching for. There are many tools available, such as Google Keyword Planner, that can help you with this task.

  • On-Page Optimization
How to Write Engaging Blog Posts That Get Traffic in 2024?

Once you’ve identified your target keywords and phrases, it’s important to include them in your content in a natural, organic way. This includes optimizing your page titles, headers, meta descriptions, and alt text for images. However, be careful not to overdo it and stuff your content with keywords, as this can lead to penalties from search engines.

Create Valuable and Shareable Content

Finally, it’s essential to create high-quality, valuable content that your readers will want to share. This can include informative blog posts, how-to guides, and visually appealing infographics. By creating content that resonates with your target audience, you’ll not only improve your search engine rankings, but also build a loyal following and increase your website’s traffic.

How do I connect my WordPress to Google console?

  • Go To Plugin section and dowlnoad plugin sitekit by Google
  • Dowlnoad and Active this plugin
  • Click to step your Pluging

Monetize Your Blog in 2024: 7 New Strategies to Try

Dear Bloggers and WordPress experts, understanding the significance of monetization is important for generating earnings through blogging.

Google AdSense approval serves as a pivotal step, opening the opportunities for a stream of income.

In this regard, I present 10 essential steps to guide you toward a successful Google AdSense approval, propelling your blogging chance to financial success.

  1. Select low competition niche
  2. 20 plus Article Write human written and user friendly
  3. Article Write with Proper Structure and use proper outlines and scheme
  4. Use original theme no use nulled theme
  5. No Work Some niches like hate speech
  6. Index All Article
  7. Traffic must for AdSense approval like minimum clicks 100 Plus and impressions 2000 Plus just ideal and my experience depend on content.
  8. Original AdSense Required use Real information like name and address
  9. During Review time for our blog , daily article publish on your blog
  10. Minimum 1 days review your blog on google AdSense team and maximum 14 to 15 Days

Why Google AdSense account created for the website in 2024?

Friends, when you guys want to create a Google AdSense account, first of all, you guys have to think about some things, let me tell you, friends, if you are a Blogger or on WordPress developer, Google Adsense is a platform that pays us based on the ads we run on our website. First of all, we got our website Approved by Google Adsense.

Why Google AdSense account created for the website in 2024?

What are the criteria before that you have to complete 100 dollars which then you can request payment in your bank Account through Google AdSense on the date of every month.

After approval, we run ads on our website. All the payments are collected in Google AdSense, which we receive on the 21st of every month.

Important Step Before Create An Adsense Account

Before creating it, you need to secure your Gmail account completely. For that, you should keep these things in mind.

  • 2 step verfication for gmail
  • Add Orignal and New Phone Number
  • Add Recovery email and Generate your Backup Code

Inshallah, then you will be able to create your Google AdSense account. The Gmail account you created should not be fake. Sometimes when you create a Gmail account, you keep such a name, so you should not do this.

Important information to create google AdSense account

When you want to create a Google AdSense account, there are a few things you need to know first.

  • Number one, you need to install a new, fresh browser on which you’ll need to open your Gmail account.
  • The next step is to write your real name on Google AdSense; no fake names should be used. You have to use the same name that is on your identity card.
  • Also, the address you use should be the same as on your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card).
  • If you have already used that address, you should not use it again.
  • Google AdSense has a policy that one person can create an AdSense with the same name and address used only one time.
  • When you want to create another AdSense, you need to get a new address for it. You can use a real address, or you can use anyone’s address, but not the old address. Y
  • You must take a completely new phone number. Do not use another phone number that you have already used.

How to apply and create google AdSense account in 2024?

  • Keep in Mind All steps work on Fresh Browser
  • Search on google and write your search bar google adsense
  • Open Your Ist time and Sign Up With Gmail Account
  • See This type of interface add your website url just like (
  • Then Select No More Adsense and Select Your Country Like Pakistan OR USA
  • Then Read Privacy Massage and Forward on Continue button
  • Add Then Fill Payment Information Just like (Correct and Real Customer Information Fill other wise not Completed or Green Tick)
How to apply and create google AdSense account in 2024?
  • Name : Write Real Human Name No Fake Name write only given Cnic Name
  • Address Line 1 : Write Location or Home Address mentionad on Cnic Card Urdu or English Address Only one use
  • Address Line 2 : Paste Same or Complete Address that use Address Line 1 No Chnage Address Both Line Same Address
  • Suburb : Write Your Country Name Like Pakistan or India , USA etc
  • Town/ city : like belongs to This City Faislabad or Karachi etc
  • Postcode : Search Your Zipcode for your City and Paste This Code

Then Submit Your Settings

How do I connect my website to AdSense?

  • Go to Ads Section and get this Code and Click To Copy Button
  • In Blogger paste code on theme header section
  • WordPress go to plugin section then dowlnoad wp code plugin and open this and search your other snippest past this code and active snippest.
  • And Move Forward on Google Adsense Account for site section click here to website link and click here to verify this site and get reviewd.
  • Wait for 14 Days for google adsense teams.

How many ways to earn money after approved website in 2024?

Dear Friends Many way after approved website for google AdSense teams all ways share in below must check.

  • By Selling Fresh Approved website , If you have expert montlhy 4 to 5 website work then sell easily earn 1 Lacs per month.
  • After Google Adsense approval and wait for 10$ then flip your website other wise rank your website and complete 100$ and earn per month direct on google adsense.

How to Make Money Blogging Even If You Have No Audience?

Yes You correct questions ask for me , site is approved but not traffic don’t worry you can flip or sale our website in some website selling platform like flipa , Sedo, ODYS, Digital Point Forum, Empire Flippers, Buy Sell Empire.

Just approved website and flip on market place , if you have Pakistani niche website or blog website like jobs blog , education blog etc. to flip on WhatsApp group, Multiple groups available on website selling but deals only via admin other wise many scams in social media.

At least 30 to 38 thousand PKR Rate website in Pakistan market place for .com website or WordPress in case of other domain or pin verify rate will high or change just share experience and suggesting if you have no traffic to sell on website.

In my experience I have approved this website and sell on market for 2 year and earn 1 lacs just flip on your website.

Unveiling the Shocking Truth: The Real Reasons People Quit Blogging! 😱 Don’t Start Your Next Post Without Knowing This!

  • Many People Fail Don’t Patient and Wait
  • Not Make Consistency and Proper Time or blogging
  • Discouraged and demotivated
  • Ist Time Site Rejeted and stop blogging.

FAQs About The Smart Way to Start a Blog in 2024

Will Google end Blogger?

What are the key steps to start a blog in 2024?

Is it necessary to have technical skills to start a blog in 2024?

What role does social media play in blog promotion in 2024?

What is the significance of mobile optimization for a blog in 2024?

Are there any trends in blogging tools or technology for 2024?

Keep an eye on emerging tools for content creation, SEO optimization, and analytics. Video content and interactive elements are likely to continue gaining popularity.

Conclusion for The Smart Way to Start a Blog in 2024

In This Article complete information share about blogging and sharing many ways to earn money with blogging I hope You Enjoy This course , I recommend Sharing for friends and Families,

My Opinions About The Smart Way to Start a Blog in 2024

If you are success in blogging field you can patient and hard work also face many issues like website rejection and not ranked site just find all solutions and face all problems.

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